See this short documentary to understand the width of human trafficking

See this short documentary to understand the width of human trafficking

The latest reports estimates that there are from 20 to 30 million humans that are being trafficked today. Being from Sweden, that number is at least two times our whole population and probably more likely to be three times my native country's population. 

It is not hard to understand the difficulties of actually conducting surveys about an issue like this, which explains that there is not one definite number. Sadly, I also assume that many humans end up in grey areas by not having fulfilled the criteria’s but are still treated as merchandise.

This is a huge issue, and it easy to get lost by the size of it and feel that you can not do anything about it. What all of us need to have in mind is that through your individual effort you can perhaps change one of these human’s lives. It might seem small in comparison to the number 27 million but remember the difference that makes for that person.

Watch the following documentary produced by MTV based on real life stories and you will understand more about what I mean: